The Essence of the Sport & Organization Dynamics Institute

“Why should leaders in the world of sport pay attention to SODI?”

In a quest to gain a competitive advantage in performance, sport has, very appropriately, leveraged best practices from fields such as:

  • Statistics and Economics; e.g., Sport Analytics
  • Physiology; e.g., Exercise Science
  • Psychology; e.g., Sport Psychology

These domains have diffused to the extent that they contribute to competitive parity, but not to a competitive advantage.  However, what sport has yet to leverage in a systematic, best practices manner is: Organization Dynamics.

Realisation of this motivated the creation of the SPORT & ORGANIZATION DYNAMICS INSTITUTE.

The Mission of SODI is to support the creation of competitive advantage in sport by leveraging the latest developments in organization dynamics.

Areas of organizational dynamics that contribute to sport performance:

  • Developing an optimum team culture
  • Creating a sense of “one team” among diverse athletes
  • Creating organizational change that motivates rather than creates resistance
  • Influencing team members (e.g., players, coaches) without formal authority
  • Leading in the Era of Analytics without being overwhelmed by data
  • Leading (e.g., players, coaches) such that the team’s whole is greater than the sum of its parts

While there are no “magic bullets,” there are systematic, best practices, for implementing organizational dynamics. 

Our co-creative, interactive, seminars leverage SODI’s organization dynamics experts who present in concert with leaders at elite levels of sport.

The Essence of SODI then—is to contribute to achieving a competitive advantage in sport by illustrating systematic approaches to get the most out of a team that analytics contributes to assembling and that sport science and psychology get in game shape.